Rachel RobinsonAug 8, 2023BEST PRACTICESIdentifying and Eliminating Passive Language in Your ProposalsLet's talk about Active vs. Passive Voice for just a bit. The contrast might seem insignificant, but understanding and applying active...
Matthew CostabileJul 25, 2023BEST PRACTICESUnderstanding Design-Build. Pt. 2 - The Procurement ProcessFollowing our initial discussion of the Design-Build methodology in Part 1, this segment focuses on understanding the stages and aspects...
RoAnn Thorne, STP, ENV SPJul 12, 2023BEST PRACTICESBridge Bundling: Building Economies of ScaleAccording to the 2021 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure (American Society of Civil Engineers), over 250,000 bridges in the US are...
Matthew CostabileJul 5, 2023BEST PRACTICESDesign-Build: Part 1 - Understanding the MethodOver the past two decades, the Design-Build delivery method has become a preference for public agencies and owners procuring increasingly...
Rachel RobinsonJun 6, 2023BEST PRACTICESGrow Your Ideas into High-Scoring SolutionsWith many things competing for our attention in our daily lives, ideas are often fleeting and difficult to capture. If you don't act on...
Dawn FergusonMay 30, 2023BEST PRACTICESMake Your Virtual Meetings Work for You (and Your Team)24 billion. Each year 24 billion hours are spent in virtual and IRL meetings that attendees rank as "unproductive". (Zippia Source) We...